My Year Course Experience: Gabe Hirsch

My Year Course Experience: Gabe Hirsch

By Gabe Hirsch, Year Course 23-24 Participant

Year Course provided me with the unique opportunity to not only live in Israel, but connect with people from all around the world. It allowed me to create tight knit bonds with people no matter the circumstances that we experienced.

Year Course began for me in Jerusalem. In this time I was given a safe space to truly show who I am. Kiryat Moriah is the perfect place for making new connections as there is no place to hide, people came to me and introduced themselves, and I did the same to others. In this first month the standard was set for my Year Course experience. It was to be a year where I not only met and connected with new people, but experienced life with them. Additionally, during my time in Jerusalem I was allowed to both learn about the history of the place I was living, as well as begin to appreciate it myself. However, that appreciation was quickly shifted to something else.

As everyone knows what happened on October 7th I won’t speak on it. However, what I will speak on was Young Judaea’s quick and intelligent response.

Within 3 days of the tragedy the entirety of Year Course was in one of the Safest locations in all of Israel. Kibbutz Ketura, The next month and a half here became one of the most meaningful parts of my year. We volunteered, helping around the kibbutz where reserves were missing, and helping those who were displaced living in Eilat. We integrated within the kibbutz, joining Shabbats, movie nights, and pool nights, becoming a stronger community even through a time of uncertainty.

During this time the most significant piece was how quickly my relationships strengthened. People on the other section that I had barely talked to became some of my best friends that I still talk to everyday. Kibbutz Ketura cultured the family feel of Year Course that was continued throughout the rest of the year, each and every member of Year Course is another brother or sister.

As life within Israel began to stabilize we returned back to our starting cities. Strengthened by our time in Ketura as well as ready and excited to welcome home those who left. We then finished our semester bringing the culture we had created to the rest of the program.

The final section of time that we had was when we switched cities. I moved from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv. This move curated the true flourishing of relationships, friends became closer, and we began to value our limited time together. In addition many found meaning in helping the Israeli community through their internship, or in my case by working with Magen David Adom, the ambulance service in Israel. Being able to be on the ground helping individuals who needed emergency assistance gave me the chance to feel proud of myself for being able to contribute positively to the country.

As my time on Year Course came to end I began reflecting on what I believed the most significant and meaningful parts were, and to me, the single most important part of my year was the culture. The Young Judaea organization creates a fundamentally strong community for not only individuals to flourish and learn more about themselves, but weave strong relationships with one another that transcend time zones, cities, and countries.

As I return home from Israel and begin my time at college, I am thankful for the impact this year has made on me. Living in Israel taught me the importance of deep, meaningful, and strong connections between people I love, and I look forward to carrying that mentality with me onwards into my future endeavors.

My Year Course Experience: Lara Lew Strauss

My Year Course Experience: Lara Lew Strauss

By Lara Lew Strauss, Year Course 2023-2024 Participant

Wow, what a year.

Year Course has gone by in a flash. It was such a wonderful experience, beyond what words can describe. I have come away with a heavy and beautiful appreciation for Israel, its culture, the people who live there, and my role in the Jewish community. More so than ever before, I am filled with gratitude. The opportunity to explore and adjust to a new country, specifically Israel, is a privilege anyone would be lucky to have.

I had never heard of Young Judaea before embarking on Year Course. I delved into the program blindly with no friends or acquaintances, and came away with so many connections and so much love. People I didn’t know existed nine months prior became central to my life as we took on incredible experiences together through programming, such as snorkeling, volunteering in melon fields, picking strawberries, wine tasting, and filling our spare time with laughs and delicious meals out in the city. I never felt alone in a country halfway across the world, which speaks to how highly Young Judaea fostered a community amongst participants.

Since arriving at Ben Gurion airport on the first day of Year Course, I have felt so safe with the Young Judaea staff. The staff are always accessible, and have done excellently in communicating information and addressing our individual needs. This past year of 23-24, Year Course has performed exceptionally in adapting programming and making participants comfortable following the attack on October 7th. Our relocation to Kibbutz Ketura was done seamlessly, and maintained our quality of life the best it could.

Just one week after arriving home, I already find myself reminiscing about the places I enjoyed in Tel Aviv. I practically lived at Bograshov Beach, or at Shuk HaCarmel, or at the cafes along Habima Square. I would spend mornings walking as far as I could along the coast before my roommates would even wake up. I loved taking public transport to go to my internship without using navigation applications, to feel like I fit in with the locals. In Israel, I was confidently independent. The best moments of independence were those where I would walk the streets of Tel Aviv alone and randomly run into another Year Courser, which just made the city feel so personal and familiar. I felt so comfortable with my surroundings and so consumed by them, and I have never felt that way about any other place.

My biggest takeaway from the spontaneity with which I made decisions while on Year Course is that it is a blessing to be able to wake up and choose to do what fulfills you everyday, with no restraints. For those nine months, I lived life exactly as I chose. My goal for the future is to keep that attitude in my daily life, where life is what you make of it. Although all of us alumni will now undoubtedly have more responsibility as we embark on our next steps, we will maintain our freer spirits and stronger passions for adventure.

I could not be more grateful for my experience in Israel, the friends I made along the way, and the ways in which I underwent personal growth.

Reflections from YJ Teens Leadership, ’23-’24

Reflections from YJ Teens Leadership, ’23-’24

From the National Mazkir
Jonny Jentis

It has been an honor to lead the National Mazkirut this year. I look back on the year, and despite the tumultuous world we were thrust into, I can only think of how proud I am of everything National Maz and I have accomplished. From running one of the largest National Conventions in years, to kickstarting involvement across the country in areas we haven’t been able to reach for years, this year has been more than anything I could have imagined.

More than what we accomplished, I am grateful for the wonderful people I have gotten to meet and work with throughout the year. I want to thank my dear friends, Sari, Ilan, Dora, Leo, and Noah for being so devoted and passionate throughout the year and without whom I could not have done anything. I also want to thank Sara, Erica, Allegra, Amit, and all the other wonderful YJ staff who worked so hard to help us be successful; without their support, nothing we tried this year would have been possible. Although it seems as though my time at YJ Teens is coming to an end, I will always remember how spectacular my experience was and I cannot wait to continue to see how future Mazkiruts will make YJ flourish.

From the Northeast Mazkir
Sam Orshan

My time this year on the Northeast was very transformative. I had the privilege of ushering in a new era for Young Judaea and YJ Teens with the consolidation of the Northeast region. I was able to run a successful event every month this year as the Mazkir. My favorite event this year was the Havdallah hang and I hope Northeast can run even better programs next year and grow the region even more.

From the Midwest Mazkir
Akiva Weinkle

This year gave me a tremendous amount of hope for the future of the Midwest Region. All year I got to see the ruach of Midwest YJ both in person, at Pittsburgh events, and through pictures for Chicago. However, the highlight of the year was Midwest Convention where over 50 Midwesties, over half at their first convention, showed up to build community and memories. I got to see young leaders step up and take on the challenge of growing this region moving forward and I can’t wait to see what they do.

From the Texas Mazkira
Shira Babajanov

This year YJ kids at Texas had many successful programs that highlighted the community service, Jewish, and Zionist aspects of Young Judaea. This year we raised our attendance and started building up our region with the city committees to ensure programs run as best as possible.

From the (newly reopened) Southeast Region,
Lila Duke

Thanks to several months of tireless work and the endless support of our Young Judaea staff and National Maz, the Atlanta YJ Teens organization is up and running again! Although we have had just a few events so far, including a CJ Rikkud, a movie night, and a pool party, the spirit and community of those who attended have been evident and suggest a strong Young Judaea presence in the Southeast soon in the future!

From the (newly reopened) YJ West Region
By Hallie

We are so excited to have started the LA region! We will have year round events once a month starting next year with the goal to make an impact, bring our community together, raise awareness on Israel, and have fun!:heartpulse::flag-il:

Alum Spotlight: Julie Kolman Powell

Alum Spotlight: Julie Kolman Powell

By Julie Kolman Powell
Sprout Lake, Tel Yehudah, Year Course 1984 Alum, Former Regional Mazkira

It took me less that 10 minutes to decide I was attending the Young Judaea

Alumni trip back in January 2024 to Israel, and 8 months to process it.

Like always, I communicate first with my running shoes.

This past week, and without telling anyone prior, I ran three half marathons, in three states, three days in a row. I did this with Gili Adar’s picture on my back which was given to me by her parents at her grave when I visited Israel. I never met Gili, but she was a Israeli Scout at Camp Tel Yehudah, a camp I love and a camp my daughter loves.

Gili’s parent’s described Gili as ‘their sunshine’ and the world’s sunshine. Anyone that met her apparently remembers her smile and that she lit up a room with her beautiful blond hair and her personality. Her parent’s told us she loved traveling and seeing the world. So, I took her with me to Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah and told her story to people in places that likely would never have heard it before. Gili and I ran 13.1 miles in each state. Every day people would ask me about who was on my back. I told them about Gili’s spirit as described to me by her parents and I shared with them what happened on October 7th, and of her murder by Hamas. In Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho some of these folks had never met a Jew before, or anyone from Israel, or heard the story of October 7th. They asked questions and they blessed me and the Adars. Gili’s parents and I communicated on Facebook and I was so moved by how much this gesture meant to them.

On the third day I was tired. It was mile nine in Utah. I wasn’t sure how or where I was going to find the energy to finish and all I could see were fields, endless fields. I remember driving around the Gaza envelope on our trip and seeing a similar image, the fields where the Nova victims and survivors ran for their lives. In their memory, I took off like a rocket. I came in third that day in my age group.

I hope in some small way I honored their lives and the lives lost at Nova. We must never forget them. They are all important to their friends and family and to me.

To the hostages, ”Be Strong and Survive.”

To their families I think of you everyday.

Year Course Closing Speech: Arieh Robinson

Year Course Closing Speech: Arieh Robinson

Closing Ceremony Speech of Arieh Robinson, Year Course 2023-2024 Participant

Good evening everyone. As Canaan and Maggie so kindly introduced me, my name is Arieh, and I have the great pleasure of being the Yama representative to share with you all a speech for this closing ceremony. I appreciate you all coming, as I understand it’s difficult to be awake and show up before 6 pm. 

As a proud Yama Year-Courser, it may come as a surprise to some of you, but I’m actually a camp kid, having attended a Young Judaea camp since age ten. Growing up in the Young Judaea eco-system, I had always heard from my counselors about the best year of their life on Year Course and how I 100% have to do it when I’m old enough.

I heard of the famous reputation of freedom in Israel with all your best friends, and truthfully for most of my life up until a few months before we came here, I was sure Year Course would not be the program for me. But towards the end of my senior year, I knew I didn’t want to go to college quite yet and I looked for a gap year in Israel. Eventually, I narrowed it down to a few, but between getting to live with my camp friends for a year, having classes in Jerusalem, and the opportunity to do MDA in Tel Aviv, it seemed like Year Course would be my best option.

Much to my surprise, Year Course completely defied my expectations. I was put on the other section than all my camp friends, classes in Jerusalem, happened, and I only got as far as the MDA ulpan test before the war messed everything up.

I generally consider myself a pretty positive person so I don’t want to be too negative, but everything that could go wrong in a Year Course experience had, and yet here I am in front of you being asked to speak about what I loved about the time we shared on Year Course, and it comes so easy. 

Not that long ago (at the beginning of Year Course), we were sitting on the Leni, and Hillel roofs, eating greasy pizza hut, and looking around asking ourselves, will these people really be my new best friends? We hit the ground running and took full advantage of this newfound freedom, learning how to navigate Tel Aviv, cook, do laundry, go to the doctor and grocery shop, all on our own. Oh and did I say grocery shop all on our own! Before we knew it everyone was working for their internships for tech companies or various non-profits, and volunteering with shelter puppies or special needs children or exploring Tel Aviv and going on siyurs to new places like Beit She’an.

Things were good socially, but also still a challenge as I know for myself but also for a lot of others, we were still feeling things out. We all met so many new people and made new friends but there was a certain level of intimacy and depth I was still craving. But then things gradually changed and we grew. Actually, I can think of a specific place in my Year Course experience when everything just kind of clicked. In fact I would like to share a little excerpt from my journal from that day: “I really feel like I’m finally finding my groove. Socially I know everything’s gonna work out. Maybe best day yet, fulfilled in all regards.” I wrote that in Tzfat the night of October 6th. Obviously October 7th changed everything. It threw Israel into a new world of chaos and brought us along with it. With the onset of the war some chose to leave while others including myself went down to Kibbutz Keturah. This was a blessing in disguise, and while some call it trauma bonding, the situation drew Year Course closer than it had been at any time before.

After the attacks from Iran, my parents pulled me out and I had to go home. I had to go home and it sucked. I was sad lonely and on top of all that I somehow got Covid meaning I couldn’t even see my own family. After much heated discussion with my parents, ie. me bugging them until they finally let me back, I was able to return. But I was worried that since I was returning so late, everyone would have gotten super close with each other and I would have missed out on so much, that it would be like starting over again.

I vividly remember getting off the train at HaShalom seeing the Azrieli Towers and the sounds of Tel Aviv and felt like I was home. Then I walked to Hillel opened the side door, and remembered being greeted with the biggest hugs I could fathom. Everyone I saw I was so happy to see, and what reaffirmed my confidence and warmed my heart, was so many of you were just as happy to see me as well! It was like riding a bike, these friendships were not forgotten and broken as I’d feared, but instead strengthened by our commitment to return back to each other and our acute awareness of how much it sucked when we were apart.

See, we all made a choice to come on Year Course for our own various reasons and for some it was easy and for others not as much but we didn’t know exactly what we were getting into and who we would be with. Then we were presented with a second unique choice that a traditional year of Year Course would not encounter. The second choice to return knowing what to expect and who we would be with. Now going back to a war zone isn’t easy but the reason I and so many of you here made this challenging choice is because of the friendships and connection we built together and the desire to grasp on and further these relationships. It’s a crazy idea which I know for a lot of us, not all our family and friends back home understand, but the desire to be with those you care about is so strong as it was for us.

When we got back, I for one and from talking to a bunch of you know this is also the case for you, was ever aware of time because we were cognizant of the time we lost and of how much we had left. This time flew by on our Jerusalem semester and through our Poland trip and I know they say time flies when you’re having fun but our time felt like it was going supersonic. The war broke out 227 days ago which sounds so much farther than it feels. We swapped semesters 119 days ago. Zman beyachad started 19 days ago. Now, we less than an hour before we say our goodbyes and that is crazy. In this relatively short amount of time we’ve spent together we made friendships so strong that others have asked if they are childhood friendships. We’ve built a strong community of people who whenever anyone need a hug or someone to talk to many are ready to be there. We’ve all only known a life before and with each other, but we’ve never lived in the afterwards of knowing each other but not being with one another. We’re going to go home and wake up in our own bed again, but without a friend sleeping 5 feet away and we’ll go eat dinner in a clean kitchen, but one that doesn’t have a couple friends sitting inside cracking jokes and inviting you to hang out. We don’t yet know how to live without the ever present physical presence of each other and it’s definitely going to be hard to adjust, but we’ll all be adjusting together. And thanks to our technological world, despite whatever the physical distance may be, our emotional distance will be close as we will still have our relationships to continue to build, only a text or call away.

Now I would like to end with this, thank you for all the parents and staff who allowed for this wonderful program to happen. Thank you all for being my friend and for being friends with each other. And this is why we say l’hitraot not a goodbye, but a see you later, because I know for a fact when you care about someone this much, it won’t be a matter of if we see each other again, but a matter of when.

Year Course Closing Speech: Isadora Wachter

Year Course Closing Speech: Isadora Wachter

Closing Ceremony speech of Year Course ’23-’24 Participant, Isadora Wachter

July 8th, 2022. Location, Mount Hertzl:
I think I need to live in Israel for a bit longer. There’s something I really love about this place. I need more time here. Maybe I should take a gap year.

August 31st, 2023. Location, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Airport:

What the hell have I gotten myself into? Packing up my life in two duffle bags and a backpack at 18 and moving across the world sounds adventurous, but in practice is quite terrifying. Everyone knows each other already, and I feel like I don’t know anyone. Either these people are going to be my best friends or the weirdest people I have ever met. (Spoiler alert: they were both).

Good evening, Year Course. I am honored and humbled to be the Kedma representative at closing ceremonies. When Rabbi Adam and Ariel approached me about giving this speech, I have to admit I was a little surprised. I would have expected them to choose someone who did YJ their whole life because it seems to be Kedma’s most predominant personality trait.

September 1st, I was the first of my roommates to arrive at Kiryat Moriah and begin unpacking. Most kids have their parents or a helping hand, but as I stood in my room alone, I said to myself, “Alright. I’m on my own now.” 

As the days went on, I (very gradually) started to learn people’s names, explore Jerusalem, and borderline wretch at what the Kiryat Moriah chadar called “aruchat erev.” By the first week of October, I started to feel like I everything was falling into place here. We embarked on our first Road Trip with the Rabbi to the mystical city of Tzfat, where our seemingly normal Year Course experience was completely turned upside down. From that moment on, I knew this Year Course was not going to be like any previous year. 

In the following days, I was torn between leaving and staying in Israel but ultimately remembered why I came in the first place. Also, Sophie, Annie, and Tavor basically guilt-tripped me into staying. 

I signed up for a year living in Israel, and these were the cards I was dealt. This was where I was meant to be.

During my time in Kibbutz Ketura, I learned the true definition of the word duality. By day, most of us who woke up before 12 would volunteer in various locations and roles. What I signed up for every week was working as a teacher’s aid in a first-grade classroom. It was so heartwarming and restoring to be with my first graders, and also helpful for my Hebrew speaking skills (mostly because we were on the same reading level). 

However, by night, we all enthusiastically invested all of our money in helping Israel’s economy by establishing its next great startup – Bargania

What some of us take for granted is that those of us who stayed hit the ground running in Israel’s most dire time of need by helping at donation centers, giving blood, and bringing smiles back to the faces of families who were tragically affected. 

Returning to Jerusalem in November brought us back to a familiar routine: classes with Neil Lazarus, financially supporting Muffin Boutique and Kedma and spending more weekends in Tel Aviv than in Jerusalem. Winter break came and went, and soon enough, second semester rolled around.

Living in Tel Aviv might be one of the best things to ever happen to me. Even though I spent a large portion of my time contacting aliens (I mean sending medicine to space) and spending 15 shek on a morning coffee as Lus, I was simultaneously undergoing a tremendous amount of personal growth in a very short amount of time. One of the main reasons that I decided to take a gap year was to learn how to live on my own, put myself into uncomfortable situations, and challenge myself to just “figure it out.” I can happily say that I accomplished my goal. Almost. How to navigate the pandemonium of an Israeli grocery store alone was something I never quite mastered.

My year came full circle last week when I returned to where it all started on Yom Hazikaron: Mount Hertzl, beside Michael Levin’s resting place. His love and passion for Israel were fostered the same way mine were, and it is him who is the reason I stand before you today. While visiting him, I had the honor to speak with his mother, Harriet, and I had the opportunity to tell her that I had the most life-changing year and have the closest connection to Israel I have ever had because of her son. 

That brings us to May 20th, 2024. Year Course ‘23-’24, while our time here in Israel all together has come to a close, we must remember that this is just the beginning. As young Jewish adults living in Israel during this past year, we gained the skills and experience that no other people our age possess. It is us who must take our pride, education, and passion all over the world, and slowly but surely make it a better, more peaceful place. You know more than you think you do, remember that. If nothing else, everyone sitting here today is your family and always will be. It’s not possible to put into words what this year, this beautiful country, and all of you mean to me. You will hold a very special place in my heart for eternity. So cry on your friends and hug them tight, but this isn’t goodbye, just a very painful but heartfelt “see you soon.” 

Year Course Closing Speech: Ana Susskind

Year Course Closing Speech: Ana Susskind

Closing Ceremony Remarks of Ana Susskind, Year Course 2023-2024

How was Year Course everyone?

My parents have always said that there is no true answer to that question. We have been here in Israel for 9 months. Some parts were amazing and some parts were hard. And that is okay. My year was messy and scary but also eye opening and fun as hell. I know i formed life long friendships. I also know that since October 7th there has been a constant sense of fear and anxiety in my brain. But i got through it because of these life long friendships. Never once on Year Course did I feel alone. And yes maybe that was a bad thing at moments when i just wanted some peace and quiet, but overall, I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Now, I know I always yap about my YJ legacy but today i promise you will hear it for the last time. My grandparents met on Year Course. My mother, uncle, brother, and cousins all went on Year Course. I am the 9th out of 16 members of my family to come on Year Course. I am the last of a generation. Literally. That’s a lot of weight on a person. To carry on the traditions my family has had for generations and to make it memorable enough to last years until the next gen is old enough to go on Year Course? Crazy. And honestly I don’t know if I did that. But I’m okay with that. I made my own memories. My own traditions. And my own friends. I am not my parents or even my grandparents. I am my own person and have my own story. We all do. Who knows, maybe this is the start of your family’s YJ legacy?

Thank you all for this year.

Celebrate Israel Parade 2024

Celebrate Israel Parade 2024

On June 2, 2024 nearly 100 Young Judaeans of all ages representing YJ Camps, Year Course, Israel programs and clubs came together in unity with thousands of people at the Celebrate Israel Parade in New York City to show their unwavering support and love for Israel and for Jewish people worldwide!

This year, after the attacks of October 7th and subsequent war, the parade felt more important than ever. Nearly 60,000 showed up to march down 5th Avenue and show their solidarity with Israel and call for the release of the hostages.