the latest Young Judaea Blog

Alumni 30 Year Reunion: YC 1994

After 30 years it was like nothing has changed. Last month, Year Course 1994-199...

Alumni Onward Internship Reflection: Nina Berkowitz

By Nina Berkowitz This past summer, I had the privilege of participating in the ...

Year Round Programs Welcome letter from the National Mazkirah, Nomi!

Hello, my name is Nomi Gedzelman and I am so excited to be the National Mazkirah...

Camp YJ summer of solace, joy and pride

Summer camp can often feel like an oasis— a refuge from the usual worries and ...

Alumni 1984-85 Year Course 40th Reunion Reflections

Written by Susan Parkoff Canning, with support from: David Wilson, Walter Synalo...

Alumni Rising to the Challenge: Young Judaeans Step Up After 10/7

For anyone who grew up in the Jewish youth movement, Young Judaea, pitching in d...