the latest Young Judaea Blog


CampYJ’s Central Shaliach’s Summer Camp Tour

My name is Amit Castel and I am Young Judaea’s Central Shaliach and Director of Israel Education. As I wrap Read More By Young Judaea

Year Course My Year in Israel: Charlie Spiegel

There’s this theory in quantum physics that our universe is just a small fract...

Uncategorized Hatzer Kinneret: A Zionist Training Ground

By Year Course chanicha, Golda Adler When we think of the holiest place in Israe...

Uncategorized A Poem From Rwanda

By current Year Course participant, Eden Harir So much has happened so fast. Iâ€...

Uncategorized The First Few Days in Rwanda

By Year Course participant, Hannah Solomon After two tiring plane rides, and a f...

Year Course A Glimpse into Year Course: What is Olami?

Yael Sahar is the Year Course Bat Yam City Coordinator This year will be my seco...

Uncategorized Year Course: Transforming the Course of People’s Lives

Lena Elkins is a part of the Young Judaea Marketing Team in Israel. Having recen...