Agreeing to Disagree – Evan Tessler

Today we had the opportunity between working with the elderly or with the children. Naturally I chose to work with the old people, which also happened to be at one of the coolest beaches in California, Venice Beach. When we arrived, Maccabee sang songs and we made ginger bread houses. Gabe and I, however, missed this fun, because we had the pleasure of talking to some elderly women about politics, college, and life. The conversation started out interesting, as we talked about the future and what college is like, but eventually we got to the controversial topic of the presidency, where Gabe and I had very strong disagreements with the elderly who supported a different candidate from ours. We couldn’t fathom how they, as Jews and women, could feel as they did. We had a very long argument that ended with one of the women leaving out of frustration. Despite all of the varying opinions I learned how people can have different views and you can still learn from the experience.
~ Evan Tessler is an 11th grader from Scottsdale, Arizona. This is his 3rd AWB.