Fifth Time Around: Staff Reflection – Hillary Borker

Yesterday, my group of 7 participants and I worked on finishing Cathy’s house. This included tediously scrubbing the windows with toothbrushes in order to make sure they’d pass the lead inspection as well as laying mulch around the yard and paths to the house. Finishing up the house really put into perspective how much time and effort really goes into making a house habitable. During my group’s Sikkum Yom, everyone reflected on how they were surprised by all these necessary finishing touches. When I was a freshman in high school, I attended AWB New Orleans trip and also worked with the Saint Bernard Project. Our house needed much more work, including measuring and cutting drywall, unwrapping new windows, and looking for beams. This house had a long journey ahead of it requiring many many volunteers to come. When we entered Cathy’s house this year, it was a much different experience yet equally as rewarding. I couldn’t be happier to be staffing this trip. As much as I have wanted to return to New Orleans, it wouldn’t be the same without giving back to their amazing and warm community. I’m so happy to be able to share this experience with new high schoolers and watch them enjoy helping with these many organizations.
~ Hillary Borker is from Livingston, NJ and is a Sophomore at SUNY Binghamton. She attended AWB all four years in high school.