Welcome to the AWB Daily Update
At approximately 7:15pm tonight, all of the AWB teens had arrived in Charleston. After resting up, playing games and informally getting to know one another, the action began.
This year, more than ever, the teens came on to AWB understanding that the trip is so much more than the physical work they will be doing. Our goal is for the teens to walk away from this program not only understanding what needs a city like Charleston has, but what can it teach us about the world and what it needs from us.
Our Mazkirut (teen leadership) chose this city after some thoughtful debate about the purpose of Alternative Winter Break being about issues as well as the work we do. To this end, they chose to focus on the issue of racial division and racial justice.
Each day, we will be sending you this newsletter. While this evening’s update is written primarily by staff, starting tomorrow, the teens will do the writing. You’ll also get to follow their experiences through photographs and videos.
The Young Judaea anthem is the Arik Einstein song “Ani V’ata Neshane et HaOlam” – you and I will change the world. Alternative Winter Break is one of the experience that we give our teens to help them see that this is possible.