Real Consequences – Mollie Griminger

Real Consequences – Mollie Griminger

Mollie NOT Having Fun

Today, we went to Baton Rouge to help Rebuilding Together paint a house that had been gutted due to the devastation of the summer floods. Can I say it was fun? Honestly, it wasn’t. Those who worked dripped with sweat and paint throughout the five hours we were there. I myself had my jeans, shoes, and jacket ruined. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy the work — I personally find this kind of labor rewarding. We’re not here to have fun, though. We’re here to help othersThe fun is reserved for the evening activities. We are not here to have a camp reunion, we are here to help. I think that we all realized how important this was to the individuals who are living this. It’s NOT an activity, our work has real consequences.

~Mollie Griminger is a 12th grader from Bethesda, Maryland and this is her second AWB trip.