Rainbow Pins and Passion – Hannah Meyer
I think that today provided me with more information about the LGBTQ community than I had before. I learned more in general about how they identify themselves and want to be identified. There is a lot that can be learned about this subject that I think is important to know. I also think it’s important for everyone to be welcoming to all people, regardless of what they identify them self as. Something that I really liked that Rabbi Rachel said was about how she always wears her rainbow pin when she goes out, but one day she felt more fragile and just didn’t want to be wearing it. However, she realized people of color can’t just choose to take off their skin, so she shouldn’t take off the pin. It represents part of who she is and that’s not something you should hide.
I also enjoyed the beach cleanup. Since I live in SoCal, I go to the beach fairly often. I always see trash on the beach when I go. It was nice to be with a big group of people and all clean it up together. Also, we had fun while doing it. Community service doesn’t have to be boring, it can be something you are passionate about and you can enjoy it. Overall, I think this was a fun day. I got to learn a lot and have a good time in the process too.
~ Hannah Meyer is a 12th grader from Oak Park, California and is a member of Young Judaea in Los Angeles.