National Initiative for 2019-2020 Chosen

National Initiative for 2019-2020 Chosen

The initiative for the 2018-2019 program year was one dedicated to Women’s Health, both awareness and activism for women’s health.  The “action” was to collect women’s hygiene products at Young Judaea National and local events and donate them to shelters and other organizations. This project was successful in collecting thousands of items.  The collection process will not end with the year and the teens will continue to collect and donate.

The planned initiative for 2019-2020 will focus on the environment. 10th grader Sofie Paternite brought the initiative to the convention body. Upon its selection, Sofie wrote “The national initiative for this coming year is environmentalism and climate change. I’m so excited to see the level of implementation of this topic throughout year round young Judaea as it has become more relevant in modern discussion. The idea for YJ to take charge on this topic stemmed from many social media posts regarding the importance of not using plastic straws as it kills marine life. With much thought and discussion, it seemed to be an age appropriate and hands on topic YJ could be involved with”.  A group of teens will begin their research soon on the topic to be ready for a full launch at Tel Yehudah this summer.