Meet the 2022-2023 Mazkirut!

Meet the 2022-2023 Mazkirut!

Baylee Krulewitz,  National Mazkira

Hi! I’m Baylee Krulewitz and I’m from West Hartford, Connecticut. As National Mazkira, I hope to give back to the movement that’s provided me with the friends and memories of a lifetime. I’ve been involved in Year Round YJ for three years now, but I’ve been going to camp for nine. In terms of YJ’s future, I hope to promote year round events in areas outside of the Northeast, as well ensure that we’re including various opportunities for social action in our programming. Outside of Young Judaea, you can usually find me shopping or going out to eat with my friends. I’m looking forward to recruiting many new teens into Year Round YJ!

Mia Avni, Administrative Vice President


Hi! I’m Mia Avni, the 2022-23 National AVP. I’m from Westfield, NJ and have been involved with Young Judaea since I was nine years old, a former camper of both Sprout Lake and Tel Yehudah. I started participating in year-round YJ programs in 8th grade and got my first elected Mazkirut position last year as NJ AVP. I was inspired to run for National Mazkirut and be more active in the movement because it has given me some of the best friends and summers I could ever ask for while also educating me on what it means to be a Jew and my connection to Israel. In my free time, you’ll find me listening to music, playing with robots, and perfecting my coffee-making skills. I’m beyond excited to work alongside this year’s National Mazkirut and can’t wait to see what we accomplish!

Uri Levinson, Merakez Zarit

Hi! My name is Uri Levinson and I’m from Monterrey, Mexico. I went to CYJ Texas and to Camp Tel Yehudah both for 2 years, I’ve been a part of YJ since 2018 and I’m still amazed by how amazing this movement is and how it has helped me grow, learn and make friends while having a fun time. This is why I wanted to be on National Maz as soon as I heard about it. I love playing soccer and baseball, watching sitcoms, hanging out with friends and spending time with my family. I am really excited to be Merakez Zarit as I look forward to bringing more international teenagers into YJ, working with fellow National Mazkirut members to have a great National Convention and enhance year-round YJ.  

Gabriella Stein, Chavurah Programmer

Hello everyone! My name is Gabriella Stein and I am from Long Island, New York. I have been involved with Young Judaea for over 10 years now. I started going to Camp Sprout Lake in 2013 and my Young Judaea journey has moved at a rapid pace since. I looked forward to camp every summer up until this past year when I went on Gesher. I got to go to Israel with all the people I used to count down the days until the first day of camp with. After Gesher I went back to Sprout Lake to work as a counselor. I was lucky enough to be last year’s LINYC Bogrim Programmer and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have the opportunity to be the first  Chavurah Programmer on the National Mazkirut. I am so honored to be able to represent an organization that has given me so much. I can’t wait to build this position and give all the other budding Young Judaeans a chance to blossom in such a wonderful community!

Noa Ganz, Social Action & Israel Programmer

Hey everyone! I’m Noa Ganz, this year’s Social action and Israel programmer. Last year, I was Social action programmer on LINYC Maz. I am so excited to be the first Israel programmer and introduce new ideas to Young Judaea. YJ means the world to me, as it has introduced me to life long friends, given me the best summers of my life, and shaped me into who I am today. Last summer, I went on Gesher then worked at Sprout Lake as a counselor. Outside of YJ, I love to write, listen to music, and hang out with friends! Something you didn’t know about me is that my favorite fruit is pineapple. I am also allergic to pineapple.

Maya Reiken

Hi! My name is Maya Reiken and I am from White Plains, NY. For the past eight years, I have been a part of Young Judaea, attending Camp Sprout Lake, Camp Tel Yehudah, Gesher, and participating in Year-Round YJ. I spent the last two years on the Empire Mazkirut, first as the Social Action Programmer and then as the Bogrim Programmer. Young Judaea helped shape who I am today and gave me lifelong friends, so I am thrilled to be the first Rosh Programmer. This year, I want to change the way the programming workshops are done by making them more engaging and informative. In my free time, I love to hang out with my friends, bake, watch New Girl, and listen to Taylor Swift. I’m excited to take on this role and work with my fellow National Mazkirut members, the regional Mazkiruyot, and regions that want to be more actively involved in YJ to provide them with the resources they need to succeed and to keep building the YJ community through our events and programming! 

Samara Kohn

Hello Judaeans!  My name is Samara Kohn and I am from Queens, NY. I have been a part of Young Judaea for about two years. My first taste of YJ was Hadracha summer 2021. After having the best summer of my life I decided to stick around for year round programming and became LINYC Pirsum. Some of my hobbies include playing with my hamster, George, warming the bench on my school’s volleyball team, and of course, making insta casual again. On weekends you can most likely find me hanging out with my fellow maz members in Manhattan while spamming my social media accounts. I am greatly honored to be your National Pirsum and most of all, having access to the National YJ Instagram account.