JServe in Burlington, Vermont

JServe in Burlington, Vermont

While several of our Judaean communities participate in Jserve programs, we are so very proud of our Burlington, VT Judaeans, who along with their advisors and the whole community brought together 70 volunteers to participate in various mitzvot at the Ohavei Zedek (OZ) Synagogue and in the larger community. They cleaned and organized toys, closets, classrooms, as well as the kitchen and the community freezer at OZ in preparation for the Passover holiday; cleaned up the grounds around the synagogue and helped clean, organize and paint in the Shalom Shuk, a thrift shop run by Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, and staffed by volunteers, serving the refugee community in the area. It was a great day of Tikkun Olam!


The Tsofim group made lasagnas and cookies at the Ronald McDonald house, a home away from home for families with children being treated at the Vermont Children’s hospital at Fletcher Allen.


The Bogrim group made and served meals at the COTS Daystation and the Burlington Emergency Shelter, preparing food to feed approximately 80 people as well as preparing lasagnas for Vermont Respite House and adding 10 lasagnes to the community freezer at OZ for families in the immediate community in need of meals. (BES’s, OZ’s community freezer’s and VRH lasagnas were prepared in Temple Sinai’s kitchen).


The Burlington, VT group was the recipient of a JServe grant, which enabled them to support their program and make a meaningful impact in the community.