Humans Against Anti-Semitism: Rachel Powell

I believe that in order to make a change, the world needs to recognize the problem. According to the ADL, in America particularly, anti-Semitic attacks have risen by 21% in just the year of 2014. Anti-semitism isn’t being treated as seriously as it should because people are comparing it to the atrocities that occurred during the holocaust. After going to Washington DC with my Hadracha tikun group and lobbying against anti-semitism, I have been inspired to do something about this issue. Although I cannot “fix” anti-semitism as a whole, I can start by making the public aware of how often anti-semitic acts occur world-wide. In efforts of doing this I, along with my tikun group leader, Tomer Kornfeld, created a Facebook page called “Humans Against Anti-Semitism”. Through this page, I have been sharing stories of anti-semitism that are submitted and exposing them to the world.

If you are fortunate to have not dealt with anti-semitism in your lifetime, you can show your support by writing the words “Humans Against Anti-Semitism” on your hand, and messaging it into the Facebook page. If you have encountered anti-Semitism I encourage you to do the same and add a short description or story of the anti-semitism you encountered. Together, hand and hand, we can make a difference and eliminate hatred, one person at a time.
To participate in the Humans Against Anti-Semitism Campaign on Facebook, click HERE.
~ Rachel Powell, New Jersey
Rachel is the Administrative Vice President of the New Jersey Region of Young Judaea and is attending Machon in Israel this summer.