A Note from Young Judaea’s National Mazkirut on the Tree of Life Synagogue

A note from the 2018-19 National Mazkirut:

We would be remiss to release an issue of Kol Ha T’nua at this moment without recognizing the horrific act of anti-semitism that occurred this past Saturday at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the lives lost, the Jewish community of Pittsburgh, and the Young Judaea community of Pittsburgh. That being said, we also want to encourage everyone to take this tragedy to create dialogue surrounding what we can do to take action against anti-semitism. We will continue to condemn gun violence and anti-semitism, and we strive to bring about the world that ought to be:

אני ואתה נשנה את העולם
Ani ve’ata neshaneh et ha’olam.
You and I will change the world

The 2018-19 National Mazkirut