Meeting Les

Today, we got to choose what service project we wanted to do, so I chose to go to the Woldenberg Village elderly home. While there, we played bingo with the residents and talked to them during lunch. One of the residents that I met was named Les.
We talked for a while; I learned really cool things about him. He worked at an Air Force base in Georgia (where I live). He was the first person to see a polar ice cap on Mars through a camera – he has original pictures of it. When Les was younger, he attended a Young Judea camp. He told me that it was only his second time playing bingo, and the only reason he went was because our Young Judea group would be there. I really enjoyed talking and listening to Les; he made my day!!
As we were walking out of the home, a man saw our Young Judea songbooks and started talking to us about how he was part of Young Judea. It was amazing to be able to connect with people of different generations who have done the same things as us.
Sydney Rein – 9th Grade, Roswell, GA