National Midwinter Convention FAQs

When: February 16-19th, 2018
Who: Young Judaea 9-12 graders (and their friends)
Where: Capital Camps Retreat Center, Waynesboro PA
Cost: $400

Questions: If you have any additional questions please contact the National Convention Team or call 917-595-2100 x209.

*Limited subsidies available by emailing

More Facts

All 9-12th graders are invited to attend National Midwinter Convention 2017.

National Midwinter Convention is an annual gathering of Young Judaea’s participants, members and leaders to observe Shabbat together and learn about issues relevant to Judaism, Israel, Pluralism and Zionism. High quality Programming will be offered to all Jewish teens, regardless of their current or previous levels of involvement in Young Judaea.

To register for National Midwinter Convention –Click here and choose National Midwinter Convention 2018 (If you already have an account on regpacks for Year Round Programs –i.e. AWB, local program or a convention, please try and remember your account – call us on 917-595-2100 x209 for assistance). Fill out the registration if you have not yet, choose the product and it should take you to a form. There is a space for travel – fill in what you can.

Our registration deadline is January 15th, 2018. Beyond the application, the billing information, the consent and release forms will be e-mailed to registered participants and must be sent back by February 5th, 2018.

Yes, there are LIMITED subsidies available. Please go this link to request a subsidy. Please note that most subsidies will not be more than $50 – $100.

Arrival Guidelines for Friday, February 16th 2018

There are five options for arrival to National Midwinter Convention:

  1. Flying – Flights should arrive to BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport between 9:00am – 12:30pm EDT.
  2. Train – We are opening up this option in order to save
    Trains should arrive to BWI Amtrak Station (Thurgood Marshall Airport Station, Maryland) between 9:00am – 12:30pm EDT.
  3. Drop off at Capital Camps –Participants should be dropped off at 12750 Buchanan Trail E, Waynesboro, PA 17268 by 2:30pm
  4. Drop off at BWI Airport – Participants should be dropped off at BWI airport by 12:30pm at the latest (exact location TBD)
  5. Young Judaea Bus – We currently have the minimum necessary to run a bus for the Tri-State area with a bus leaving from Penn Station and New Brunswick and returning to the same place. The cost for this bus will be between $90 and $120. Please click on this link to let us know that this is an option you would like.

Departure Guidelines for Monday, February 19th, 2018

We will be doing volunteer service in Baltimore or closer to camp prior to departing. Volunteering will end at approximately 2:30-3pm where buses will leave by 3:00PM at the latest and teens may be picked up in Baltimore (site to be determined).

There are five options for departure from National Midwinter Convention:

  1. Flying – Flights should depart from BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport between 6:00pm – 9:00pm EDT.
  2. Train – Trains should depart to BWI Amtrak Station (Thurgood Marshall Airport Station, Maryland) after 4:30pm EDT.
  3. Pick up in Baltimore – Participants should be picked up in Baltimore at approximately 3:00pm
  4. Pick off at BWI Airport – Participants can be picked up at Baltimore airport at approximately 4:30pm
  5. Young Judaea Bus – We currently have the minimum necessary to run a bus for the Tri-State area with a bus leaving from Penn Station and New Brunswick and returning to the same place. The cost for this bus will be between $90 and $120. Please click on this link to let us know that this is an option you would like.

NO! The schedule is precise and our time is limited. All flights should fly in as listed in the above guidelines

We must have enough time to arrive at camp by the time Shabbat comes in. Additionally, if a participant tries to book a flight that departs before 6:00PM Monday, February 19th, they will run the risk of not making his/her flight.

Buses will leave Capital Camps Retreat Center in the AM and go straight to the volunteering spot. The buses will depart at approximately 2:30/3:00pm for the airport

To ensure the safety of our participants, while parents are welcomed to drive participants to/from convention, participants are strongly discouraged from driving to/from convention themselves. If this is necessary, please contact the office at to request special permission.

Participants who are being driven to the convention by a parent/guardian should arrive to Capital Camps by 3pm on Friday the 16th.

Additional Questions

Liberation: The convention body will explore the idea of liberation throughout history. The National Mazkirut (teen board of Young Judaea) is working on building the program and more information will be available in the coming weeks).

We have programming throughout the weekend that directly relates to your involvement with Young Judaea:

  • Tel Yehudah:
  • For New campers (from outside the Northeast): National Convention is a great opportunity to transition from your regional camp and for you and your camp friends to start getting to know who your new camp friends will be this summer with at TY!
  • For Returning TY: Our hope is that some of the programs from this weekend will actually be the foundation for the some of the programming at Tel Yehudah this summer.
  • For Havurah: Our participants in the Russian Speaking program at Tel Yehudah will have the opportunity to meet teens from around the country.
  • For Hadracha Campers: One of the things we will be doing at National Midwinter Convention is debating and discussing some of the issues that Hadracha will engage with this summer.
  • For Machon: We’re excited to have the a meeting of potential Machon teens at convention. Some of these participants that will plan the final Shabbat of Machon with the help of the current national Mazkirut. If you’re interested in participating in, or helping to lead, Machon, coming to National Convention is a great chance to get started!
  • For HS Seniors: Young Judaea camp staff will have time to interact with teens planning to work at camps this summer. We will also be dedicating time for our incoming Young Judaea Year Course participants to begin exploring what issues they want to organize and affect change around on Year Course. A special guest at convention will be a current Year Course participant.What information will we receive before convention?

More Information

A few days before the weekend, we will send an information guide to all participants and their parents via e-mail. Among more details regarding the programming for the weekend, it will contain the following relevant information:

  • A complete packing list
  • Precise airport arrival and departure instructions, including a map of Newark Airport
  • Instructions for Parent drop off at the BWI Airport, bus pick up locations and pick up/drop off procedures at Capital Camps Retreat Center
  • An itinerary for the convention and related background and educational materials and readings