Israel Programs Special Tracks

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  • time Recent High School Graduates: 17-19 Years Old
  • location Tel Aviv-Yafo and Jerusalem
  • duration Nine Months
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Medical Track

The Young Judaea Year Course Medical Track offers an interactive educational program along with hands-on experience on the ground through training and volunteering with Magen David Adom. Meet leading health professionals, work with Israeli paramedics, participate in tours and workshops and find out what it takes to become a member of this special group of individuals who devote their lives to saving others.


Group of Young Judaea Medical Track teens in Israel


  • Gaining hands-on experience via Magen David Adom to experience the work of first responders through a ten day course followed by five weeks of volunteering on Israeli ambulances.
  • Exploring many aspects of the professional medical field in Israel in an interactive and hands on way.
  • Learning about what it takes to become a top medical professional from Israel’s best.
  • Experiencing Israel as a forefront of medical practice, research, and technology worldwide.
  • Studying Jewish medical ethics and see its realization in Israeli hospitals
  • Participating in weekly enrichment activities for one semester as well as 2 overnight trips. Participants are also eligible for three college credits.

No prior experience in the field of medicine is needed in order to be a participant on the medical track, but a basic level of conversational Hebrew (you will need to pass a Hebrew oral test prior to the beginning of the program) is required to volunteer with Magen David Adom.


Ready to Register for Year Course?

If you need additional information please contact us at or call us at 1-866-599-2534