Hanukkah Havdalah with Sprout @ Kane Street
Saturday, December 9 at 5:15pm
Families from Kane Street and campers and prospective campers from Sprout Brooklyn Day Camp and Sprout Lake overnight camp join at Kane Street Synagogue say hello to each other, and goodbye to Shabbat with the brief ceremony of havdalah.
Register by December 7 using this form
First we will do a few fun Hanukkah art projects, do a social action mitzvah with Repair The World and schmooze and have some Hanukkah snacks
Then we have havdalah Sprout Lake style
Enjoy the braided candle, spice box and grape juice
We then do some rikudei am – folk dancing
Come see what Sprout is all about and what make Kane Street great.
LOCATION of Havdalah:
236 Kane Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
For more info, please contact Rabbi Val rabbival@kanestreet.org